About Me

Vanessa Howdyll's BrainCraft educational YouTube channel focuses on science, and I like many others find it great value. Because of the way it simplifies complex scientific ideas, ASAP Science Decker Shado is another favourite of mine. Obviously, I am a big fan of TED Talks, which are always a wonderful way to get pumped up about a topic.See more f

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Nature Unleashed: Volcano movie

A "blast" from the past, the Nature Unleashed series of movies from Nu Image were a special breed. Theoretically based on science, the need to make them larger than life stories tended to grant more than a little artistic license, which we see well on display in today's review of Nature Unleashed: Volcano. A man loses his wife, and travels t

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CGI VS Practical Effects - Why is CGI seen as lesser?

A few weeks back, behind-the-scenes footage from the production of Prey sparked up debate online on CGI vs Practical Effects. Before CGI was a thing, it was all practical all the time due to necessity. However, in the years since Jurassic Park showed us that CGI can be more impressive in many ways, Hollywood has gone CGI for most everything.

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